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Business English B2/C1 Intensive Online-Kurs
Start: Do. 20.02.2025 18:00
vhs Schorndorf
Gebühr: 71,00

Including articles taken from the Financial Times and other newspapers/online business websites as well as authentic interviews from the business world, this Market Leader Flexi course will help you learn essential business vocabulary and phrases to develop your business communication skills in order to feel more confident when taking part in meetings, engage in extensive discussions and negotiations, preparing presentations and also using English in various social situations/while networking. Case studies based on realistic business problems/situations will afford you some additional insights and allow you to hone these skills even further.

Kursnummer 25F40608
Kursdetails ansehen
Dozent*in: Nicole Köngeter
Business English B1 Online-Kurs
Start: Mo. 10.03.2025 18:00
vhs Schorndorf
Gebühr: 56,00

How to make the best impression when introducing yourself and your company, discuss important developments and changes, handle enquiries or complaints on the telephone or via email, participate in meetings or engage in effective small talk - no matter what challenges you might be faced with on a daily basis this course will help you improve all these important career skills to make you feel more confident in an international business environment.

Kursnummer 25F40607
Kursdetails ansehen
Dozent*in: Nicole Köngeter
Business English B1 Online-Kurs
Start: Mo. 12.05.2025 18:00
vhs Schorndorf
Gebühr: 56,00

How to make the best impression when introducing yourself and your company, discuss important developments and changes, handle enquiries or complaints on the telephone or via email, participate in meetings or engage in effective small talk - no matter what challenges you might be faced with on a daily basis this course will help you improve all these important career skills to make you feel more confident in an international business environment.

Kursnummer 25F40607-1
Kursdetails ansehen
Dozent*in: Nicole Köngeter
Business English B2/C1 Intensive Online-Kurs
Start: Do. 15.05.2025 18:00
vhs Schorndorf
Gebühr: 71,00

Including articles taken from the Financial Times and other newspapers/online business websites as well as authentic interviews from the business world, this Market Leader Flexi course will help you learn essential business vocabulary and phrases to develop your business communication skills in order to feel more confident when taking part in meetings, engage in extensive discussions and negotiations, preparing presentations and also using English in various social situations/while networking. Case studies based on realistic business problems/situations will afford you some additional insights and allow you to hone these skills even further.

Kursnummer 25F40608-1
Kursdetails ansehen
Dozent*in: Nicole Köngeter
21.01.25 09:46:56
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